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amn::IVideoDevice Class Reference

The video device, containing several rendering functions. More...

#include <IVideoDevice.h>

Inheritance diagram for amn::IVideoDevice:

amn::IReference List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IVideoDevice (SVideoDeviceCreationParameters *params)
virtual ~IVideoDevice ()
virtual IEnginegetEngine ()=0
 Returns a pointer to the engine.
virtual E_VD_TYPE getVideoDeviceType ()=0
 Returns the video device type.
virtual void setClearColor (SColor &color)=0
 Sets the screen clear color.
virtual bool update ()=0
 Do NOT use.
virtual void beginRender ()=0
 Prepares window for rendering.
virtual void endRender ()=0
 Ends rendering, and swaps buffers.
virtual void setMaterial (SMaterial *material)=0
virtual void drawIndexedTriangleList (unsigned int *indices, unsigned int indexCount, SVertex3d *vertices, unsigned int vertexCount)=0
virtual void drawIndexedTriangleList (unsigned int *indices, unsigned int indexCount, SVertex3dMUV *vertices, unsigned int vertexCount)=0
virtual void drawIndexedQuadList (unsigned int *indices, unsigned int indexCount, SVertex3d *vertices, unsigned int vertexCount)=0
virtual void enableRender2D ()=0
 Prepares device for 2-dimensional rendering.
virtual void disableRender2D ()=0
 Prepares device for 3-dimensional rendering.
virtual void setTransform (IMatrix4x4 &matrix, E_TRANSFORM_MATRIX matType)=0
 Sets the the given matrix.
virtual void resetTransform (E_TRANSFORM_MATRIX matType)=0
 Resets the given matrix to identity.
virtual void pushTransform (E_TRANSFORM_MATRIX matType)=0
 Pushes the given matrix to the matrix stack.
virtual void popTransform (E_TRANSFORM_MATRIX matType)=0
 Pops the given matrix off the top of the matrix stack.
virtual SDimension2dgetViewportSize ()=0
 Returns the viewport size.

Protected Attributes

SDimension2d viewport
SColor clearColor

Detailed Description

The video device, containing several rendering functions.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

amn::IVideoDevice::IVideoDevice SVideoDeviceCreationParameters params  )  [inline]


virtual amn::IVideoDevice::~IVideoDevice  )  [inline, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::beginRender  )  [pure virtual]

Prepares window for rendering.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::disableRender2D  )  [pure virtual]

Prepares device for 3-dimensional rendering.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::drawIndexedQuadList unsigned int *  indices,
unsigned int  indexCount,
SVertex3d vertices,
unsigned int  vertexCount
[pure virtual]

Draws an indexed quad list.

An array of indices in 'unsigned int' format.
Number of indices passed to function.
An array of vertices.
Number of vertices passed to function.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::drawIndexedTriangleList unsigned int *  indices,
unsigned int  indexCount,
SVertex3dMUV vertices,
unsigned int  vertexCount
[pure virtual]

Draws an indexed triangle list with multiple UV coordinates.

An array of indices in 'unsigned int' format.
Number of indices passed to function.
An array of vertices.
Number of vertices passed to function.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::drawIndexedTriangleList unsigned int *  indices,
unsigned int  indexCount,
SVertex3d vertices,
unsigned int  vertexCount
[pure virtual]

Draws an indexed triangle list.

An array of indices in 'unsigned int' format.
Number of indices passed to function.
An array of vertices.
Number of vertices passed to function.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::enableRender2D  )  [pure virtual]

Prepares device for 2-dimensional rendering.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::endRender  )  [pure virtual]

Ends rendering, and swaps buffers.

virtual IEngine* amn::IVideoDevice::getEngine  )  [pure virtual]

Returns a pointer to the engine.

virtual E_VD_TYPE amn::IVideoDevice::getVideoDeviceType  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the video device type.

virtual SDimension2d& amn::IVideoDevice::getViewportSize  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the viewport size.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::popTransform E_TRANSFORM_MATRIX  matType  )  [pure virtual]

Pops the given matrix off the top of the matrix stack.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::pushTransform E_TRANSFORM_MATRIX  matType  )  [pure virtual]

Pushes the given matrix to the matrix stack.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::resetTransform E_TRANSFORM_MATRIX  matType  )  [pure virtual]

Resets the given matrix to identity.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::setClearColor SColor color  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the screen clear color.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::setMaterial SMaterial material  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the current rendering material.

The material to use.

virtual void amn::IVideoDevice::setTransform IMatrix4x4 matrix,
[pure virtual]

Sets the the given matrix.

virtual bool amn::IVideoDevice::update  )  [pure virtual]

Do NOT use.

Member Data Documentation

SColor amn::IVideoDevice::clearColor [protected]

IEngine* amn::IVideoDevice::engine [protected]

SDimension2d amn::IVideoDevice::viewport [protected]

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